

After all, it's the only one I got.

Nobody's perfect.
Love your body. Be yourself.
100% Natural. Naked with me.
MySpace Dawn Porter bares all in order to reveal how our idea of perfection has been perverted to fit the demands of the beauty industry, meeting naturists and a stripper along the way. BBC3
女人愛自己,讓自己變的更美,例如去拍沙龍照,去做身體美容,去海邊作日光浴,成為裸體模特兒,進入天體營(不穿衣服的社區活動);在走訪很多觀點之後,她的結論很有趣,她說: 照片裡的女人身體原來都經過了專家修剪而成的,那些模特兒的照片都是些沒有人可以到達的境界,為什麼不愛我們自己的身體原來的樣子? 接受這個天生不美好缺陷的身體,因為這才是最自然的,所以不要衣服遮蔽,要呈現自然的自己。你說呢? 可惜這個節目只能在英國境內收看,我到很贊成這個說法,但是我無法在大庭廣眾下赤裸,需要很大的勇氣!


Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Tai-Lien, I love this post. It's so true that the media and the rest of society makes it so hard for us women. They just expect our bodies to be perfect, which puts a lot of unneeded stess on many of us. I see how they pick at these poor celebs who gain five pounds, by zoooming in on their falts. It's discusting that they do this to people.

Tai-Lien said...

Thank you Lydia. I do agree with you that we should love our body and be natural.


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