
I come from Taiwan

People's Republic of China: communistic society
Republic of China (Taiwan): democratic republic, established in 1912.
The island groups of Taiwan (Formosa) led by Chiang Kai-shek, the ROC administrator, announced 25th October 1945 as Taiwan Restoration Day. The political environment is complicated by the potential for military conflict toward independence or reunification be taken.
Each year since 1992, the ROC has petitioned the United Nations for entry but has been unseccessful. Most member states, inlcuding the United Sates, do not wish to discuss the issue of the ROC's political status for fear of souring diplomaic ties with the PRC. Wikipedia
常常有人對於我們的立場有興趣,常常被問到啞口無言,最常被問的問題是,你們是不是可以自由進出大陸? 你們到底是不是中國人阿? 我的答案總是簡單帶過,我們持的是不同的護照,而事實上大陸人進出台灣是被嚴格限定的;而我們都說中文,台灣用的是繁體中文,Mainland China因為文革之後人民不會寫繁體了,只好將就用簡體版,就好比英國跟美國也都說相同的語言阿!
出國前從來沒有關心過政治議題,歷史課本早在畢業的時候都還給老師了,去翻了網路上的資料,我想大概可以更清楚的表明立場吧! 出了國這些敏感的話題層出不窮,我不是來搞政治話題的,放過我一馬吧!

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