
Studying in a different country

is always going to be a life-enriching experience. It is not aware of how other people live until you actually experience a different culture that you realise how diverse the world is. It may be more opportunity to learn a language quickly in a country where it is spoken.
Educaton in the UK nuiversities you are expected to learn through research and investigation and form your own opinions.
Further emplyers will always be impressed for your abroad study experience and your language skills also be more competitive.
You will become a more independent person through it. Nearly every foreign student experiences this to some extent(so much). It suddenly hits you that everything around you is so different from what you are used to. You may feel lonely and isolated, especially if you are stuggling with the language. from: British Council Learning English
在異鄉求學確實是一件很孤單兼具挑戰性的事情,不同的語言,迥異的學習模式,文化衝擊,也許還背負著某種程度的學成歸國的壓力。有 cons就必有 pros,我其實也享受到各國人類的相處模式,英國的紳士,義大利的熱情,日本人的安 靜,美國的保守,沙國的幽默,奈國的大剌剌,德國的精準;大開的眼界,還包刮這些國家的朋友的想法跟獨到的見解,較為遠並且廣(對於我這個小眼睛小鼻子的人來說),跟台灣文化並存在我的思考當中,形成另一種成分逐漸累積。
英格蘭和威爾斯,有何不同? 一直到這次跟一位久居英格蘭的德國人聊天,才明白,各色人種聚集的大染缸底下,倫敦讓我感覺到很自在;相對的在這個鄉間僻壤的威爾斯,顯得就不開放了。我的第一個班級的同學半數來自英格蘭,上課氣氛和第二個班級全數威爾斯人的就有很大的差別。

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