

It's been 7months staying Swansea. I spent time seeking a part-time job, since the end of last year, but the only answer is "sorry, we don't have vacany at the moment, you could leave a message....." I have tried coffee shops, British style restaurant, Chinese style restaurants and Japanese restaurant which all nearby city centre could save time and money on travel. I know there're other kinds of job can I apply for example, temporary job centre or poundland to be a counter.
This job position is a waitress in the Sushi bar of the SushiSarang near Crown Court 15minutes walking. It's a new restaurant on the St. Helen's Road. I'll adventure a new life. Chin up!
Ps. as a full time job, 4 days a week, 5.52GBP/hour, temporay pay in cash monthly, but weekly tips shared


Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Tai-Lien, Working at a sushi bar sounds so fun. I'm sure You'll love it. Good luck to you!

Tai-Lien said...

Thank you Lydia, you are so kind. I was lucky tonight because only 3tables costumers. So I have time to learn more.


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