也不知道是因為院內員工的關係還是認識的關係,好像沒有麻醉科的訪視,直接進了開刀房,行動自如的我,去做開刀前的抽血、心電圖等都是用走的,唯進開刀房,我必須躺在推床送進去,那種不能自己的感覺從那一刻開始。那是個叫人寒顫的冷凍庫,分不清是害怕緊張、還是冷空氣的關係,直發抖的我,被邀請上了刀台,那是一個十字型的(免強算是各)床,中間直的床只能躺著我的身體,雙手只能與身體垂直的打開被綁上帶子,貼上心電圖監視的同時,楊大哥的臉孔出現了,跟平常一樣平易近人的臉,問我要怎麼麻? 雖然有過上刀房的經驗,但是護生記憶,是跟著年齡成反向消減著;我搖著頭說只要不會痛都好。於是戴上了Mask,漸漸的身體變的好沉重,從腳跟開始往上蔓延,呼吸變的好輕好輕,本來跟他們談話的語氣變的遲鈍,他們已經逐漸佔領了我的身體跟意識,於是停止跟我的對話,不到一秒鐘的時間我眼皮蓋上,完全進入無意識狀態的空間去了。
康健雜誌70期文/ 黃惠如 攝影/ 蕭世英http://www.books.com.tw/magazine/item/chealth0930.htm
雖然二十四小時營業為大家帶來便利,但也帶來影響。英國的科學家認為,「24小時的社會」對健康影響程度如同「吸菸」。2001年發表在權威期刊《刺胳針》的研究,首度出現「24小時社會(24-hour society)」一詞。英國佘瑞大學拉佳拉南教授指出,24小時社會不僅帶來嚴重的失眠、腸胃病、心血管疾病,甚至也帶來社交問題。
1. 下班回家路上(大約是早上八、九點),戴上墨鏡。別讓陽光重新設定你的生理時鐘,延誤了睡眠週期。
雖然二十四小時營業為大家帶來便利,但也帶來影響。英國的科學家認為,「24小時的社會」對健康影響程度如同「吸菸」。2001年發表在權威期刊《刺胳針》的研究,首度出現「24小時社會(24-hour society)」一詞。英國佘瑞大學拉佳拉南教授指出,24小時社會不僅帶來嚴重的失眠、腸胃病、心血管疾病,甚至也帶來社交問題。
1. 下班回家路上(大約是早上八、九點),戴上墨鏡。別讓陽光重新設定你的生理時鐘,延誤了睡眠週期。
毫無進展 也是收穫
東區的廣場上,兩隻嬌小的狗仔跑跳著,好不自在,主人在後頭追著,親暱的喊著puppy, mimi。所在這個廣場,一邊是樹叢(免強充數),一邊是車水馬龍的忠孝東路,雖然離英國有段距離,但感覺接近了。吹著涼涼的風,說著過去這些日子的酸甜苦辣,感覺又回到從前,自在而親切的台北,我回來了。
今天暢談了一天,終於在這段緊張又煩擾的日子裡得到了抒發,也聽了很多笑話,嗯,急不得,每一刻都不能鬆懈,但是每一秒都要放 輕 鬆!
今天暢談了一天,終於在這段緊張又煩擾的日子裡得到了抒發,也聽了很多笑話,嗯,急不得,每一刻都不能鬆懈,但是每一秒都要放 輕 鬆!
New life in Taiwan
回到台灣一整個不適應,帶著不甘願的心情回到台灣,心裡自然想要回到英國的,身上還帶著英磅changes, notes,捷運卡還有倫敦的OysterCard,連作息都還不規律ㄋ。我當然知道要面對現實,不用對我說教,我自己已經漸漸體會到現實的壓力了,經濟來源、小孩、家庭、語言、工作、未來的考量等,都讓我從頭開始,從零開始,無所適從。 剛回到台灣是晚上,在英國就計畫在飛機上看完所有的電影也不要睡覺,於是在英國一整天下來已經夠累了(到學校找老師,到倫敦晃了四小時),晚上九點半上飛機,果真有很多好看的電影,沒想到回去的長榮好像加快了速度似的,一下子就到曼谷、台北ㄌ,到了台灣正好晚上九點,到了家竟然依點都不疲累,一直跟家人說話說到三四點,他們累的直打哈欠,我也只好放過他們,可是我卻展轉難眠,後來也不知道睡了多少,早上又殺到陽明山上去,晚上去了Taipei101跟玉珍,我想這兩個地方大概是我最最想念的台灣吧! 晚上總該累了吧,該可以好好睡了吧!不,不但睡不著,遇到英國的同學,高興的又聊了好久好久,到了早上,台灣時間早上英國時間晚上了,才一起說晚安上床睡覺。隔天我昏睡了一整天,爬不起來也吃不下飯,第三天也昏昏沉沉地過了ㄧ天,總是白天見不到我的人,晚上在房間卻對著電腦精神奕奕,跟英國的同學哈拉各沒完,可是越來越早睡了,現在大概三點就有想睡的感覺,我會強迫自己趕快上床睡覺,快點把時差調回來。
白天漸漸清醒,我也開始找起工作了,一開始信心滿滿的以為有人介紹很快就可以上班賺錢了,事實卻並非如此輕快呢! 阿長幫我注意的工作都沒著落;自己當初完美計畫的研究助理,其實也是薪水少卻沒專業又不一定顧的到我的論文;很抗拒在回到輪班的護理工作..... 從來沒有找工作面試的經驗,這回可真是第一回,又是新的學習,從如何找工作、到工作的優缺評估、到如何面試、到如何應對心理的壓力,所幸都有好朋友幫我分擔我許多的擔憂跟煩擾。
還是很遺憾在英國沒有努力把英文學好,雖然我自認為已經盡力尋求任何可能的途徑去學習英文,英國的同學都是在職生沒空理我、每天都聽BBC、讀BBC新聞、去打工,仍然感覺到英文的瓶頸卡在喉嚨中間;大家只會說你在英國呆過了,英文一定OKㄉ! 慚哪~
白天漸漸清醒,我也開始找起工作了,一開始信心滿滿的以為有人介紹很快就可以上班賺錢了,事實卻並非如此輕快呢! 阿長幫我注意的工作都沒著落;自己當初完美計畫的研究助理,其實也是薪水少卻沒專業又不一定顧的到我的論文;很抗拒在回到輪班的護理工作..... 從來沒有找工作面試的經驗,這回可真是第一回,又是新的學習,從如何找工作、到工作的優缺評估、到如何面試、到如何應對心理的壓力,所幸都有好朋友幫我分擔我許多的擔憂跟煩擾。
還是很遺憾在英國沒有努力把英文學好,雖然我自認為已經盡力尋求任何可能的途徑去學習英文,英國的同學都是在職生沒空理我、每天都聽BBC、讀BBC新聞、去打工,仍然感覺到英文的瓶頸卡在喉嚨中間;大家只會說你在英國呆過了,英文一定OKㄉ! 慚哪~
Jet lag
It was exhausted to adjust jet lag after long distans flight. From 17/4~19/4 I still feel very tired. Waking up at night, sleeping in the morning, and confusing in the afternoon. I'm still in the time zone in the UK! Luckily, I came back this Thuesday, near the end of the week.
學校申請速度出奇的快(0),銀行結清(1600)、郵局交寄包裹(273.98)、回程計畫、訂機位(393.10)、買火車票(22.10),宿舍餘額(72.50)和簽證問題(0)等等,採買送給老師的卡片(2.50)、帶回台灣的紀念品(37.30)跟用品(52.00)、每天都有不同的大餐小餐要吃,算一算一個禮拜進行這許多事情還真是非常趕呢! 而且還要跟一些朋友聚餐揮別流鶯的生活。尤其是Ayaki,好不容易可以有個好朋友,為流鶯的歲月帶來些深刻的回憶,卻偏偏要向現實低頭,但是非常非常珍惜這段時光,短短的一個月的朝夕相處。留在這裡的東西很多,無法帶回台灣,像是心愛的檯燈、餐具、床單組、雜七雜八的,都留給Ayaki,而,帶回台灣的是無價。
學校申請速度出奇的快(0),銀行結清(1600)、郵局交寄包裹(273.98)、回程計畫、訂機位(393.10)、買火車票(22.10),宿舍餘額(72.50)和簽證問題(0)等等,採買送給老師的卡片(2.50)、帶回台灣的紀念品(37.30)跟用品(52.00)、每天都有不同的大餐小餐要吃,算一算一個禮拜進行這許多事情還真是非常趕呢! 而且還要跟一些朋友聚餐揮別流鶯的生活。尤其是Ayaki,好不容易可以有個好朋友,為流鶯的歲月帶來些深刻的回憶,卻偏偏要向現實低頭,但是非常非常珍惜這段時光,短短的一個月的朝夕相處。留在這裡的東西很多,無法帶回台灣,像是心愛的檯燈、餐具、床單組、雜七雜八的,都留給Ayaki,而,帶回台灣的是無價。
Welcome to Taiwan
Taiwan is a small country in Asia, however, it has a papulation of 22 million. It has borders with main countries, including China, Japan, Korea and Philippines. Taiwan has world-precious natural resources, such as E-Land Cold spring (one of three in the would), Yushan Mount Range (the highest mount peak in Nourtheast Asia), and migratory birds' habitat as well.
Although the official language is Chinese, it has many languages used in each clan; Taiwnases was spoken by most of people as traditional language. The capital of Taiwna is Taipei City, which is located in north of Taiwan. Plenty of tourists stay in the city to see the Palace Museum and visit Taipei101, which is the highest building in the world so far. Lots of Taiwanese's cuisine in the night market attracts tourists. You may introduce to eat stinky tofu, oyster omelet, beef nookles, salty crisp chicken and drink pearl milk tea. There are also lots of other places to visit outside Taipei. For example, Taroko National Park and Kenting National Park. Not only tourism but also software and farming are important parts of its economy. so, are you going to move to Taiwan? Come on!
Although the official language is Chinese, it has many languages used in each clan; Taiwnases was spoken by most of people as traditional language. The capital of Taiwna is Taipei City, which is located in north of Taiwan. Plenty of tourists stay in the city to see the Palace Museum and visit Taipei101, which is the highest building in the world so far. Lots of Taiwanese's cuisine in the night market attracts tourists. You may introduce to eat stinky tofu, oyster omelet, beef nookles, salty crisp chicken and drink pearl milk tea. There are also lots of other places to visit outside Taipei. For example, Taroko National Park and Kenting National Park. Not only tourism but also software and farming are important parts of its economy. so, are you going to move to Taiwan? Come on!
Back Home soon
Yes, I have applied a suspension for one year from now on. I have to head back to Taiwan.
謝謝茉莉,特別謝謝她,因著 主的名,我要謝謝她
尋找一片 蔚藍天空
謝謝茉莉,特別謝謝她,因著 主的名,我要謝謝她
尋找一片 蔚藍天空
充滿衝突與矛盾,理想與現實、靈性和世俗……到現在,他的作品還是受到最高景仰的。享受與現實當中做到最完善最近己意的滿意,就是得忍受世俗的輕視或不理解,內心的衝突或激盪不安,卻擁有雄厚的內在資產: 藝術、源源不決的靈感和快感、創作和作品是可以見的,眼睛看不到的是,多年後他的仍然栩栩如生的、屹立不搖的站在眾人眼前,受到世人的崇敬、崇拜。澎湃的內心衝突和矛盾,悲觀的現實和無限的理想主義,柔軟的靈性和頹廢的世俗,不過是過眼雲煙,不過是在他的作品裡呈現一個小小角落罷了。後人不斷的追朔,何嘗不想要重新找回米開郎基羅的,或說自己的,那份,真實。三民書局:追求完美的藝術大師
i quit the part-time job
才離開了Beck, 現在又離開了打工,接下來要離開....
才離開了Beck, 現在又離開了打工,接下來要離開....
Omega-3 'can help control eczema'
The clinical results imply that dietary DHA may be beneficial in supporting the standard treatment of eczema. Different doses of DHA and long-term treatment may be more effective in patients with atopic eczema but the results need to be confirmed in a larger study.
VieW from the ToP
A small-town girl tries to achieve her goal of becoming a flight attendant. The road to success, thought, is rarely a smooth flight, and as she begins her trip she encounters more turbulence than even she bargained for. But the bumpy start will take her on a journey of a lifetime.
Co-Pilot : I'm a pilot. It's my job to know where people are going.
Attendant : Welcome to New York, where the local time is 7:13 a.m. I'd like to personally thank you for flying with us today, and to remind you that the last one off the plane has to clean it.
昨天上班,為了開一瓶可樂,竟然做了一塊生魚片 +///+
我的手指上的肉竟然被削下一塊 "肉+皮",血流不止,加壓了兩條OK蹦才停住,心驚膽破的我,手都顫抖起來~~a
回到家打開時又開始流,ㄞㄚ,我真的很怕看到血,(我知道你心裡怎抹想...護士也是人 好ㄇ,既怕又得常常看,所以護士不是人哪!),有限的資源之下,人工皮+OK蹦全上了
這一天下班走回家感覺路途也特別遙遠,我從23.27走到 00.27才走到家,平常只要10分的路程,我竟走了一個小時ㄟ!! 因為英國即將進入夏令時分了,所以英國跟台灣又拉近了一小時!
値得慶幸的事一件,Mark(房東)上午就來幫我搞定了暖氣,今天起床也有熱醒的感覺了,幾乎是笑著起床的, Jahu! ;)) 雖然身上的"雞"肉還在抗議前天搬家的辛苦(痛ㄚ),但是仍然跳下床,打開美妙的貝多芬,開始冷凍庫裡的春天之第二天。
我的手指上的肉竟然被削下一塊 "肉+皮",血流不止,加壓了兩條OK蹦才停住,心驚膽破的我,手都顫抖起來~~a
回到家打開時又開始流,ㄞㄚ,我真的很怕看到血,(我知道你心裡怎抹想...護士也是人 好ㄇ,既怕又得常常看,所以護士不是人哪!),有限的資源之下,人工皮+OK蹦全上了
這一天下班走回家感覺路途也特別遙遠,我從23.27走到 00.27才走到家,平常只要10分的路程,我竟走了一個小時ㄟ!! 因為英國即將進入夏令時分了,所以英國跟台灣又拉近了一小時!
値得慶幸的事一件,Mark(房東)上午就來幫我搞定了暖氣,今天起床也有熱醒的感覺了,幾乎是笑著起床的, Jahu! ;)) 雖然身上的"雞"肉還在抗議前天搬家的辛苦(痛ㄚ),但是仍然跳下床,打開美妙的貝多芬,開始冷凍庫裡的春天之第二天。
I'm moving out..
終於可搬出Beck. 至少不用被綁約了,我想可以一邊打包整理回去的行李了,以前最討厭搬家,整理東西超極慢的我因為我會一邊收拾,一邊回憶起每件東西跟著我的意義,會丟一些東西也有些東西始終跟著我,你絕對無法想像我連一條粉紅色的絲帶也帶著不離身,怪癖,我只能這樣解釋我自己。
The UK time zone- Daylight Saving Time- GMT+1
When is British Summer Time (BST) in force this year?
2008: Sunday 30 March 01:00 GMT - Sunday 26 October 01:00 GMT (02:00 BST)
30/ March 0.59am一過,電腦將自動調整夏令時間為2.00am,英國和台灣的時差將降為7小時囉! http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.co.uk/time-zone/europe/uk/
2008: Sunday 30 March 01:00 GMT - Sunday 26 October 01:00 GMT (02:00 BST)
30/ March 0.59am一過,電腦將自動調整夏令時間為2.00am,英國和台灣的時差將降為7小時囉! http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.co.uk/time-zone/europe/uk/
享受 vs. 想瘦
Writer and TV presenter Dawn Porter is on an all consuming mission to see what it takes to shrink from her curvy UK size 12 figure to the much-touted super skinny Hollywood zero.
想要成為美國size zero (to UK size 4)就可以穿盡美麗的衣服,享受美麗的待遇,Dawn先去測量身體狀況良好之後,開始瘦身計畫。來到天使的國度好萊屋,所以環境很重要,雖然如此,但是實際上還是要靠自己節制自己的飲食習慣才可以,有些人就是自己吃的少,看到很多人都是這樣的身材,耳濡目染之下應該也有潛移默化作用吧。然後到服裝店去訂做一件屬於自己的夢想的服飾,要慶祝在減肥成功慶祝用的! 所以要先訂目標!! 才會有動力繼續下去,忍受一切。接下來找方法,訪問服飾店老闆的經驗、在公園運動的苗條女生、明星的親身體驗、醫師營養師的建議。可是她的精神變差,運動量增加但是飲食量卻銳減到只有500Calories,即使跟死黨去聚餐也只能堅守原則,決不放棄! 看著牆上貼滿目標偶像的圖片跟文字,嘗試各種方法之後,她回到英國,禁止模特兒節食減肥過瘦(size zero was banned),她去訪問模特兒公司,他們要的是一個女孩美麗而健康的!
Cigarette ban
Children who smoke are putting their lives at risk and are more likely to die of smoking-related cancer than people who start smoking in their late 20s.
The Department of Health, which is keen on prevent youngsters from smoking stressed: it was vital to teach children that "smoking is bad". Outlining the proposals, it said displaying cigarattes in the shops could be banned in England considered to cut smoking and discourage children from starting. It also forcing shops to hide their cigarattes would creat practical difficulties and result in extra expense for shop owners.
A ban on smoking in public places and workplaces in Scotland came into force 2006 then introduced in England, Wales and Northen Ireland in 2007. BBCnews The ongoing campaign to curb cigarette smoking
連商店也不能賣香菸,看的出來英國的決心! 只是,是否引來非法香菸的機會了?
The Department of Health, which is keen on prevent youngsters from smoking stressed: it was vital to teach children that "smoking is bad". Outlining the proposals, it said displaying cigarattes in the shops could be banned in England considered to cut smoking and discourage children from starting. It also forcing shops to hide their cigarattes would creat practical difficulties and result in extra expense for shop owners.
A ban on smoking in public places and workplaces in Scotland came into force 2006 then introduced in England, Wales and Northen Ireland in 2007. BBCnews The ongoing campaign to curb cigarette smoking
連商店也不能賣香菸,看的出來英國的決心! 只是,是否引來非法香菸的機會了?
是什麼讓家這麼牽繫著 緊緊的
是什麼讓你無怨無悔 全心付出
是什麼讓家這麼牽繫著 緊緊的
是什麼讓你無怨無悔 全心付出
Snow sweeps in England
Easter Snow
The snow came down suddenly yesterday and there is plenty of snow in England. It is horrendous. In Wales, you will experience wintry showers of rain with sunny spells. No snow is expected in Northern Island and Wales.
Snow is only likely on the hill or mountain, with damp weather in lower-laying area such as Cardiff and Swansea.
wintry showers of rain: winter-like cold heavy rain
sunny spells: a spell of sunshine, a period
damp weather: moisture, fog
這是春天嗎? 讓人不禁懷疑這樣的雪景好像冬天還沒走似的。不過這是在英格蘭,威爾斯的氣候怪的像個謎,一天內,時而刮風下大雨,時而艷陽高照,氣溫可以像坐雲霄飛車一樣,忽高忽低,心情也跟著起伏了起來。
The snow came down suddenly yesterday and there is plenty of snow in England. It is horrendous. In Wales, you will experience wintry showers of rain with sunny spells. No snow is expected in Northern Island and Wales.
Snow is only likely on the hill or mountain, with damp weather in lower-laying area such as Cardiff and Swansea.
wintry showers of rain: winter-like cold heavy rain
sunny spells: a spell of sunshine, a period
damp weather: moisture, fog
這是春天嗎? 讓人不禁懷疑這樣的雪景好像冬天還沒走似的。不過這是在英格蘭,威爾斯的氣候怪的像個謎,一天內,時而刮風下大雨,時而艷陽高照,氣溫可以像坐雲霄飛車一樣,忽高忽低,心情也跟著起伏了起來。
今天跟Ayaki去市集的時候,藍色的天空,太陽很大,氣溫卻只有大約4-5度吧,走著走著,突然看到我的黑色大衣上面出現一片片雪花,果真是雪花,非~~常的渺小,一碰到手就融化掉了,不到一分鐘而已 :-(
我當然還是不滿足,一直祈禱能再下大雪,卻被大家罵 =="
我當然還是不滿足,一直祈禱能再下大雪,卻被大家罵 =="
Parents were struggling with little or no help to bring up their children in a heavily commercialised world. It should be banned on advertising aimed at children.
Parents simply could not say "no" to thier children. Their youngsters threw tantrums, swore and were physically aggressive. Calling for more advice for parents who struggle to say "no", trying to cope by indulging. BBCnews
I come from Taiwan
People's Republic of China: communistic society
Republic of China (Taiwan): democratic republic, established in 1912.
The island groups of Taiwan (Formosa) led by Chiang Kai-shek, the ROC administrator, announced 25th October 1945 as Taiwan Restoration Day. The political environment is complicated by the potential for military conflict toward independence or reunification be taken.
Each year since 1992, the ROC has petitioned the United Nations for entry but has been unseccessful. Most member states, inlcuding the United Sates, do not wish to discuss the issue of the ROC's political status for fear of souring diplomaic ties with the PRC. Wikipedia
常常有人對於我們的立場有興趣,常常被問到啞口無言,最常被問的問題是,你們是不是可以自由進出大陸? 你們到底是不是中國人阿? 我的答案總是簡單帶過,我們持的是不同的護照,而事實上大陸人進出台灣是被嚴格限定的;而我們都說中文,台灣用的是繁體中文,Mainland China因為文革之後人民不會寫繁體了,只好將就用簡體版,就好比英國跟美國也都說相同的語言阿!
出國前從來沒有關心過政治議題,歷史課本早在畢業的時候都還給老師了,去翻了網路上的資料,我想大概可以更清楚的表明立場吧! 出了國這些敏感的話題層出不窮,我不是來搞政治話題的,放過我一馬吧!
Republic of China (Taiwan): democratic republic, established in 1912.
The island groups of Taiwan (Formosa) led by Chiang Kai-shek, the ROC administrator, announced 25th October 1945 as Taiwan Restoration Day. The political environment is complicated by the potential for military conflict toward independence or reunification be taken.
Each year since 1992, the ROC has petitioned the United Nations for entry but has been unseccessful. Most member states, inlcuding the United Sates, do not wish to discuss the issue of the ROC's political status for fear of souring diplomaic ties with the PRC. Wikipedia
常常有人對於我們的立場有興趣,常常被問到啞口無言,最常被問的問題是,你們是不是可以自由進出大陸? 你們到底是不是中國人阿? 我的答案總是簡單帶過,我們持的是不同的護照,而事實上大陸人進出台灣是被嚴格限定的;而我們都說中文,台灣用的是繁體中文,Mainland China因為文革之後人民不會寫繁體了,只好將就用簡體版,就好比英國跟美國也都說相同的語言阿!
出國前從來沒有關心過政治議題,歷史課本早在畢業的時候都還給老師了,去翻了網路上的資料,我想大概可以更清楚的表明立場吧! 出了國這些敏感的話題層出不窮,我不是來搞政治話題的,放過我一馬吧!
Good Friday commemorates Jesus' crucifixion
Good Friday
The most important events in Christianity are the death and later resurrection of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God, and whose life and teachings are the foundation of Christianity.
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. It commemorates the execution of Jesus by crucifixion.
Good Friday is a day of mourning in church. During special Good Friday services Christians meditate on Jesus' suffering and death on the cross, and what this means for their faith.
In some countries, there are special Good Friday processions, or re-enactments of the Crucifixion.
The main service on Good Friday takes place between midday and 3pm. In many churches it takes the form of a meditation based on the seven last words of Jesus on the cross, with hymns, prayers, and short sermons. BBCnews
The most important events in Christianity are the death and later resurrection of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God, and whose life and teachings are the foundation of Christianity.
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. It commemorates the execution of Jesus by crucifixion.
Good Friday is a day of mourning in church. During special Good Friday services Christians meditate on Jesus' suffering and death on the cross, and what this means for their faith.
In some countries, there are special Good Friday processions, or re-enactments of the Crucifixion.
The main service on Good Friday takes place between midday and 3pm. In many churches it takes the form of a meditation based on the seven last words of Jesus on the cross, with hymns, prayers, and short sermons. BBCnews
餐廳的客人,要的是什麼? 乾淨的桌椅,清潔的餐具,笑容的服務,和滿意的餐點,我能提供的除了最後一項是廚師的工作之外,其他都是我能為客人做到的,我今天不就是一個服務生嗎? 從這個出發點出發,我比較能順應一些。我不是為了老闆而賣命工作,我是為了一個職業的使命而鞠躬盡瘁,感覺就偉大多了!! 哈! 就是要這樣,工作有了意義,服務成為樂趣。
餐廳的客人,要的是什麼? 乾淨的桌椅,清潔的餐具,笑容的服務,和滿意的餐點,我能提供的除了最後一項是廚師的工作之外,其他都是我能為客人做到的,我今天不就是一個服務生嗎? 從這個出發點出發,我比較能順應一些。我不是為了老闆而賣命工作,我是為了一個職業的使命而鞠躬盡瘁,感覺就偉大多了!! 哈! 就是要這樣,工作有了意義,服務成為樂趣。
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Acid Reflux
The cause of GERD is complex but for my reason definitely stress. I feel heart burn and belch after eating 30'~60'. Everything I do for reducing these symptoms of GERD is life-style changes and antacids or PPIs treatment. GERD At A Glance
嗝氣、心口灼熱: 胃食道逆流又來作怪ㄌ
當初來英國帶了一堆藥,就是忘了,每次壓力下的症狀的解藥! 還好早先豆子已經給了我ㄧ帖良藥: 少吃甜食、刺激性飲料、PPI類胃藥。
The cause of GERD is complex but for my reason definitely stress. I feel heart burn and belch after eating 30'~60'. Everything I do for reducing these symptoms of GERD is life-style changes and antacids or PPIs treatment. GERD At A Glance
嗝氣、心口灼熱: 胃食道逆流又來作怪ㄌ
當初來英國帶了一堆藥,就是忘了,每次壓力下的症狀的解藥! 還好早先豆子已經給了我ㄧ帖良藥: 少吃甜食、刺激性飲料、PPI類胃藥。
I still remember "Tiananmen Square protests of 4/Jun/1989"
Again, Chinese official denied that troops used lethal force to quell protests in Tibet's main city, Lhasa.
Many Tibetans had been killed in the protest in Lhasa. Exiled leaders say protesters died in a Chinese crackdown, while Chinese official spokesman insisted "thirteen innocent civilians" had been killed in Tibet.
Many Tibetans had been killed in the protest in Lhasa. Exiled leaders say protesters died in a Chinese crackdown, while Chinese official spokesman insisted "thirteen innocent civilians" had been killed in Tibet.
China has given Tibetans involved in the protests a deadline of midnight on Monday (1600 GMT) to surrender to police.
Dalai Lama has called for an international inquiry into China's crackdown, however, he had no idea for restraint. Olympic chief Jacques Rogge said he was "very concerned" about the situation.
Dalai Lama has called for an international inquiry into China's crackdown, however, he had no idea for restraint. Olympic chief Jacques Rogge said he was "very concerned" about the situation.
troops: a group of soldiers
quell: stop something by using force
exile: someone kept away his own country for political reason
serrender: stop fighting and admit defeat
restraint: calm and controlled behaviour
Day trip to Longleat Safari Park
See how your car measures up to giraffe, mind the zebras crossing, remember that the rhinos have right of way, watch out for the wolves and beware of our meddling monkeys… there is so much to look out for in this amazing world of animals! Safari Park
This is an open drive-through animal park whick collects wildlife all over the world showing animals in the natural surroundings delightfully and amazingly. It attracts visitors to Longleat Safari Park with incredible close encounters with some of the world's animals crossing the park. view my photos
This is an open drive-through animal park whick collects wildlife all over the world showing animals in the natural surroundings delightfully and amazingly. It attracts visitors to Longleat Safari Park with incredible close encounters with some of the world's animals crossing the park. view my photos
Studying in a different country
is always going to be a life-enriching experience. It is not aware of how other people live until you actually experience a different culture that you realise how diverse the world is. It may be more opportunity to learn a language quickly in a country where it is spoken.
Educaton in the UK nuiversities you are expected to learn through research and investigation and form your own opinions.
Further emplyers will always be impressed for your abroad study experience and your language skills also be more competitive.
You will become a more independent person through it. Nearly every foreign student experiences this to some extent(so much). It suddenly hits you that everything around you is so different from what you are used to. You may feel lonely and isolated, especially if you are stuggling with the language. from: British Council Learning English
在異鄉求學確實是一件很孤單兼具挑戰性的事情,不同的語言,迥異的學習模式,文化衝擊,也許還背負著某種程度的學成歸國的壓力。有 cons就必有 pros,我其實也享受到各國人類的相處模式,英國的紳士,義大利的熱情,日本人的安 靜,美國的保守,沙國的幽默,奈國的大剌剌,德國的精準;大開的眼界,還包刮這些國家的朋友的想法跟獨到的見解,較為遠並且廣(對於我這個小眼睛小鼻子的人來說),跟台灣文化並存在我的思考當中,形成另一種成分逐漸累積。
英格蘭和威爾斯,有何不同? 一直到這次跟一位久居英格蘭的德國人聊天,才明白,各色人種聚集的大染缸底下,倫敦讓我感覺到很自在;相對的在這個鄉間僻壤的威爾斯,顯得就不開放了。我的第一個班級的同學半數來自英格蘭,上課氣氛和第二個班級全數威爾斯人的就有很大的差別。
Educaton in the UK nuiversities you are expected to learn through research and investigation and form your own opinions.
Further emplyers will always be impressed for your abroad study experience and your language skills also be more competitive.
You will become a more independent person through it. Nearly every foreign student experiences this to some extent(so much). It suddenly hits you that everything around you is so different from what you are used to. You may feel lonely and isolated, especially if you are stuggling with the language. from: British Council Learning English
在異鄉求學確實是一件很孤單兼具挑戰性的事情,不同的語言,迥異的學習模式,文化衝擊,也許還背負著某種程度的學成歸國的壓力。有 cons就必有 pros,我其實也享受到各國人類的相處模式,英國的紳士,義大利的熱情,日本人的安 靜,美國的保守,沙國的幽默,奈國的大剌剌,德國的精準;大開的眼界,還包刮這些國家的朋友的想法跟獨到的見解,較為遠並且廣(對於我這個小眼睛小鼻子的人來說),跟台灣文化並存在我的思考當中,形成另一種成分逐漸累積。
英格蘭和威爾斯,有何不同? 一直到這次跟一位久居英格蘭的德國人聊天,才明白,各色人種聚集的大染缸底下,倫敦讓我感覺到很自在;相對的在這個鄉間僻壤的威爾斯,顯得就不開放了。我的第一個班級的同學半數來自英格蘭,上課氣氛和第二個班級全數威爾斯人的就有很大的差別。
研究所的課程已經進入尾聲,明天將是授課課程的最後一天,回想當初剛進入時的自己,辛辛苦苦的跟同學用英文討論報告, 聽不懂還得硬著頭皮,竟然還哭著說要回台灣,交出第一份英文報告之前,做了多少閱讀,心力交瘁,體力透支也是必然的事情;適應外國的生活也是一項挑戰,怎麼搭公車,怎麼煮飯吃,怎麼省錢,如何跟當地人相處,如何跟其他國際學生相處,在地的生活。日子一點一滴的流逝,我終於也跨過了第一個半年,報告一份一份的交出去了,正邁向第二個半年。過了半年,生活漸漸適應,也到倫敦玩了兩次,比較熟悉此地的交通跟旅遊,找到打工的機會,也是一個大邁進,有了新的生活圈,多了開口說英文的環境,錢也進了口袋,生活比較寬裕一些些;研究所的課程也比較有參與感,討論跟作業比較能在掌控中進展著。明天就是最後一天的課程了,接著我將要進入寫論文的階段,其實大可以回到台灣寫,沒有必要教授面對面討論等等,繳交報告也是以電子檔上傳方式,輔以書面則交給海鷗傳送就可以了。
Her Majesty's visiting to Brangwyn Hall and the Guildhall in Swansea
Her Majesty was visiting to Guildhall in Swansea just behind our restaurant. I saw Her Majesty in the car and it was so excited. Our chief took the photo for me. She looks healthy and aged. Our boss was supposted there will be many people come and eat lunch in our restaurant but the truth is none. Thanks for Her Majesty's lucky giving me a happy lunch.
The most enigmatic composer in Russia
Dmitri Shostakovich: Piano Concerto No.2 In F Major Opus 102 (2)
Shostakovich was the finest of all Russia's post-revolutionary composers - and the most enigmatic. Classicfm
Shostakovich was the finest of all Russia's post-revolutionary composers - and the most enigmatic. Classicfm
好的博物館應該是帶給觀眾持續的學習機會,是終身學習的場所。博物館行銷的最終目的,就是設計更適合民眾參與的展覽活動,吸引大眾的注意力,建立良好的參觀印象等,讓大家週而復始的再回到博物館參觀。 from 博物館的美學經濟:22間世界頂尖博物館感動人心的力量
The new Bobos and their Paradise
People with great gifts are easy to find, but symmetrical and balanced ones never.~Ralph Waldo Emerson
終於,布爾喬亞與波希米亞,產生了交集。現在,一個新的社會勢力正在崛起:他們被稱為「BOBO」族。2001年12月 e天下雜誌
終於,布爾喬亞與波希米亞,產生了交集。現在,一個新的社會勢力正在崛起:他們被稱為「BOBO」族。2001年12月 e天下雜誌
Firstly, turning right without due care led to 593 accidents in 1987. Secondly, due to the fact that pedestrians crossed roads carelessly, 402 accidents ccurred. Next, although there was a 3% decrease in drivers failing to give a signal, nevertheless there were still 231 accidents caused by/as a result of this. In 1987, 40% more drivers than in 1986 lost control of vehicles. As a result/ Consequently, there were 312 accidents. In fifth place came drivers improperly overtaking other vehicles: these caused/ brought about 173 accidents. Finally, there was a 20% fall in drivers misjudging distances; however, they were still the cause of/ reason for 96 accidents.
due care expected care
pedestrian one who goes on foot (pavement)
overtake to catch up
due care expected care
pedestrian one who goes on foot (pavement)
overtake to catch up
你不可說: 老闆給你十鎊,東西拿了就走吧
除非你是 躲在身後的影子
맛있는 (ma din den)
thank you
감사합니다 (kam sa ham ni da)
맛있는 (ma din den)
好吃,說 (ma shi so yo)就可以了
제발 (tse ba le)
제발 (tse ba le)
thank you
감사합니다 (kam sa ham ni da)
謝謝=고맙습니다 (ko map sem ni da ) 和 감사합니다前者用在受到幫助的時候用,而後者則在收到他人贈送的時候用...
Come from Taiwan
(dae man e so)
안녕하세요? (a ne a wa se yo)
안녕하세요? (a ne a wa se yo)
你好 (你好=早安=午安=晚安=再見)
안녕 兩個字其實就是漢字「安寧」的古音...因此這個字,就是在任何時候祝人家安寧、平安,因此又等於你好,又等於早安午安晚安跟再見都可以通用。
It is quite funny to work in the international restaurant, we got South Korean, Korean, British, Walsh, Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese. We all have to say English in public, however, our chief who come from South Korean and Korean can speak Chinese and little English. Body language is the best language, but I want to have more conversation with all staff. Here I found a pretty useful website to learn Korean including pronounciation.
Module 2 has failed
Resubmission: 18 Aug 08
Well presented work, but the abstract should contain some key findings – it is more than an introduction. Some grammatical and syntax errors. The word count I make 2977 – this is short of the minimum of 3600 and represents missed opportunity. It is at odds with the stated word count, but the candidate seems to have counted the entire paper.
The introduction sets the scene quite well and ends with key factors in successful implementation. It may have been worth using these to form the structure of the assignment.
The following 3 sections on CDSS seems surplus to the requirements of this assignment. They seem to focus on the elements of a successful EHR rather than factors in its successful implementation. I accept that there may be some overlap, but implementation must be made explicit.
The ‘Managing Change’ and ‘Discussion’ sections are better targeted. The writing style is lacking in an academic approach, and seems to suggest approaches rather than explore them. The referencing is adequate to limited, but tends to rely on relatively few authors – Sanchez seems to feature very heavily.
Overall – the remit of the assignment has slid a little and those sections which are pertinent are lacking in rigour. 44%
Well presented work, but the abstract should contain some key findings – it is more than an introduction. Some grammatical and syntax errors. The word count I make 2977 – this is short of the minimum of 3600 and represents missed opportunity. It is at odds with the stated word count, but the candidate seems to have counted the entire paper.
The introduction sets the scene quite well and ends with key factors in successful implementation. It may have been worth using these to form the structure of the assignment.
The following 3 sections on CDSS seems surplus to the requirements of this assignment. They seem to focus on the elements of a successful EHR rather than factors in its successful implementation. I accept that there may be some overlap, but implementation must be made explicit.
The ‘Managing Change’ and ‘Discussion’ sections are better targeted. The writing style is lacking in an academic approach, and seems to suggest approaches rather than explore them. The referencing is adequate to limited, but tends to rely on relatively few authors – Sanchez seems to feature very heavily.
Overall – the remit of the assignment has slid a little and those sections which are pertinent are lacking in rigour. 44%
Shakespearean tragedies --- Othello
Main character, "Cassio is extremely ashamed after being implicated in a drunken brawl on Cyprus and losing his place as lieutenant......(Othello)"
Can I say a drunken behaviour as one behaved him/herself unusual after drunk alcohol?
The play opens with Roderigo, a rich and foolish gentleman, complaining to Iago, a high-ranking soldier, that Iago didn't tell him about the secret marriage between Desdemona, daughter of a Senator named Brabantio, and Othello, a black general of the Venetian army. He is upset by this development because he loves Desdemona and has previously asked her father for her hand in marriage. Iago is upset with Othello for promoting a younger man named Cassio above him, and tells Roderigo that he is simply using Othello for his own advantage. Iago's argument against Cassio is that he is a scholarly tactician and has no real battle experience from which he can draw. By emphasizing this point, and his dissatisfaction with serving under Othello, Iago convinces Roderigo to wake Brabantio and tell him about his daughter's marriage. After Roderigo rouses Brabantio, Iago makes an aside that he has heard rumors that Othello has had an affair with his wife, Emilia. This acts as the second explicit motive for Iago's actions. Later, Iago tells Othello that he overheard Roderigo telling Brabantio about the marriage and that he (Iago) was angry because the development was meant to be secret. This is the first instance we see Iago blatantly lie within the text.
News arrives in the Senate that the Turks have attacked Cyprus and Othello is summoned to advise. Brabantio arrives and accuses Othello of seducing Desdemona by witchcraft, but Othello defends himself successfully before an assembled Senate.
By order of the Duke, Othello leaves Venice to command the Venetian armies against invading Turks on the island of Cyprus, accompanied by his new wife, his new lieutenant Cassio, his ensign Iago and Emilia, Iago's wife, who works as a maid to Desdemona. When they arrive, they find that a storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet, and all break out in celebration.
Iago, who resents Othello for favoring Cassio, takes the opportunity of Othello being away from home to manipulate his superiors and make Othello think that his wife has been unfaithful. He persuades Roderigo to engage Cassio in a fight, then gets Cassio drunk. When Othello discovers Cassio drunk and in a fight, he strips him of his ranks, and confers them upon Iago, which in turn strips Iago of his two stated reasons to exact revenge on Othello. After Cassio sobers up a bit, Iago persuades Cassio to try Desdemona as an intermediary on Othello. It is of some note that throughout the text, Othello and other characters refer to Iago as "good" and "honest."
Iago now works on Othello to make him suspicious of Desdemona and Cassio. As it happens, Cassio is seeing a woman named Bianca. Desdemona drops a handkerchief that was Othello's first gift to her and which he has stated holds great significance to him in the context of their relationship. Emilia obtains this for Iago, who has asked her to steal it, having decided to plant it in Cassio's lodgings as evidence of Cassio and Desdemona's affair. Emilia is unaware of what Iago plans to do with the handkerchief. After he has planted the handkerchief, Iago tells Othello to hide, and goads Cassio on to talk about his affair with his mistress Bianca, but since Bianca's name is not mentioned Othello thinks that Cassio is referring to Desdemona. Bianca, on discovering the handkerchief, leaves Cassio. Enraged and hurt, Othello decides to kill his wife and orders Iago to kill Cassio.
Iago convinces a sexually-frustrated Roderigo to kill Cassio because Cassio has just been appointed in Othello's place and, if Cassio lives to take office, Othello and Desdemona will leave Cyprus, thwarting Roderigo's plans to win Desdemona. Roderigo attacks Cassio in the street after Cassio leaves Bianca's lodgings and they fight. Both are wounded. Passers-by arrive to help and Iago joins them, pretending to help Cassio. Iago secretly stabs Roderigo to stop him talking and accuses Bianca of conspiracy to kill Cassio.
In the night, Othello confronts Desdemona, and then kills her, smothering her in bed out of intense jealousy, before Iago's wife, Emilia, arrives. At Emilia's distress Othello tries to explain himself, justifying his actions by way of her affair, citing the handkerchief (distinctively embroidered) as proof. Emilia realizes what Iago has done, and she reveals that Desdemona's "affair" was Iago's invention, and that Iago is anything but honest. Determined to have Othello arrested for murdering the innocent Desdemona, Emilia calls for the guard. They arrive, and Emilia begins to explain the situation. Iago kills Emilia; Othello, realizing he has been toyed with, attacks Iago but is disarmed. Lodovico, a Venetian nobleman, apprehends both Iago and Othello, but Othello commits suicide with a dagger, holding his wife's body in his arms, before they can take him into custody. At the end, it can be assumed, Iago is taken off to be tortured and possibly executed.
Can I say a drunken behaviour as one behaved him/herself unusual after drunk alcohol?
The play opens with Roderigo, a rich and foolish gentleman, complaining to Iago, a high-ranking soldier, that Iago didn't tell him about the secret marriage between Desdemona, daughter of a Senator named Brabantio, and Othello, a black general of the Venetian army. He is upset by this development because he loves Desdemona and has previously asked her father for her hand in marriage. Iago is upset with Othello for promoting a younger man named Cassio above him, and tells Roderigo that he is simply using Othello for his own advantage. Iago's argument against Cassio is that he is a scholarly tactician and has no real battle experience from which he can draw. By emphasizing this point, and his dissatisfaction with serving under Othello, Iago convinces Roderigo to wake Brabantio and tell him about his daughter's marriage. After Roderigo rouses Brabantio, Iago makes an aside that he has heard rumors that Othello has had an affair with his wife, Emilia. This acts as the second explicit motive for Iago's actions. Later, Iago tells Othello that he overheard Roderigo telling Brabantio about the marriage and that he (Iago) was angry because the development was meant to be secret. This is the first instance we see Iago blatantly lie within the text.
News arrives in the Senate that the Turks have attacked Cyprus and Othello is summoned to advise. Brabantio arrives and accuses Othello of seducing Desdemona by witchcraft, but Othello defends himself successfully before an assembled Senate.
By order of the Duke, Othello leaves Venice to command the Venetian armies against invading Turks on the island of Cyprus, accompanied by his new wife, his new lieutenant Cassio, his ensign Iago and Emilia, Iago's wife, who works as a maid to Desdemona. When they arrive, they find that a storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet, and all break out in celebration.
Iago, who resents Othello for favoring Cassio, takes the opportunity of Othello being away from home to manipulate his superiors and make Othello think that his wife has been unfaithful. He persuades Roderigo to engage Cassio in a fight, then gets Cassio drunk. When Othello discovers Cassio drunk and in a fight, he strips him of his ranks, and confers them upon Iago, which in turn strips Iago of his two stated reasons to exact revenge on Othello. After Cassio sobers up a bit, Iago persuades Cassio to try Desdemona as an intermediary on Othello. It is of some note that throughout the text, Othello and other characters refer to Iago as "good" and "honest."
Iago now works on Othello to make him suspicious of Desdemona and Cassio. As it happens, Cassio is seeing a woman named Bianca. Desdemona drops a handkerchief that was Othello's first gift to her and which he has stated holds great significance to him in the context of their relationship. Emilia obtains this for Iago, who has asked her to steal it, having decided to plant it in Cassio's lodgings as evidence of Cassio and Desdemona's affair. Emilia is unaware of what Iago plans to do with the handkerchief. After he has planted the handkerchief, Iago tells Othello to hide, and goads Cassio on to talk about his affair with his mistress Bianca, but since Bianca's name is not mentioned Othello thinks that Cassio is referring to Desdemona. Bianca, on discovering the handkerchief, leaves Cassio. Enraged and hurt, Othello decides to kill his wife and orders Iago to kill Cassio.
Iago convinces a sexually-frustrated Roderigo to kill Cassio because Cassio has just been appointed in Othello's place and, if Cassio lives to take office, Othello and Desdemona will leave Cyprus, thwarting Roderigo's plans to win Desdemona. Roderigo attacks Cassio in the street after Cassio leaves Bianca's lodgings and they fight. Both are wounded. Passers-by arrive to help and Iago joins them, pretending to help Cassio. Iago secretly stabs Roderigo to stop him talking and accuses Bianca of conspiracy to kill Cassio.
In the night, Othello confronts Desdemona, and then kills her, smothering her in bed out of intense jealousy, before Iago's wife, Emilia, arrives. At Emilia's distress Othello tries to explain himself, justifying his actions by way of her affair, citing the handkerchief (distinctively embroidered) as proof. Emilia realizes what Iago has done, and she reveals that Desdemona's "affair" was Iago's invention, and that Iago is anything but honest. Determined to have Othello arrested for murdering the innocent Desdemona, Emilia calls for the guard. They arrive, and Emilia begins to explain the situation. Iago kills Emilia; Othello, realizing he has been toyed with, attacks Iago but is disarmed. Lodovico, a Venetian nobleman, apprehends both Iago and Othello, but Othello commits suicide with a dagger, holding his wife's body in his arms, before they can take him into custody. At the end, it can be assumed, Iago is taken off to be tortured and possibly executed.
戒 l 色
李安之於內斂的感情戲,全然表達精湛到了極點。看完了色戒,我看了喜宴的李安的專訪,回憶起一些片段,非常非常的心痛其中一段(希望我沒有記錯);偉跟唯以假結婚的方式在美國取得公民,遠道而來的父母親則充滿喜悅的來參加在美國娶媳婦兒的喜宴,他倆根本不愛對方,卻在其父母親面前假裝,為的是安慰年事已大的父母親,反正他們又聽不出英文。有一幕,老父找出這個兒子的所謂的好朋友Simon出去散步,用標準的英文說: I watched, I heard, I learned.... you and my son are gay lover(我承認我敘述這段並不恰當到讓你了解我所要傳達的意境)
李安之於內斂的感情戲,全然表達精湛到了極點。看完了色戒,我看了喜宴的李安的專訪,回憶起一些片段,非常非常的心痛其中一段(希望我沒有記錯);偉跟唯以假結婚的方式在美國取得公民,遠道而來的父母親則充滿喜悅的來參加在美國娶媳婦兒的喜宴,他倆根本不愛對方,卻在其父母親面前假裝,為的是安慰年事已大的父母親,反正他們又聽不出英文。有一幕,老父找出這個兒子的所謂的好朋友Simon出去散步,用標準的英文說: I watched, I heard, I learned.... you and my son are gay lover(我承認我敘述這段並不恰當到讓你了解我所要傳達的意境)
身體感官可能會成為結婚前的一個指引,大腦失去了作用;可是結婚以後呢? 當愛情轉變成為親情的時候,該怎麼維繫之間後半輩子的婚姻生活?
談戀愛的時候,可以沒日沒夜的談天說愛,大把大把鈔票花在約會看電影出國遊玩,精力旺盛的情侶,總是花很多時間在對方身上,即是上班很忙,下班很累;結了婚的時候,沒日沒夜的斤斤計較,開銷、花費全部以房子、車子、孩子為目的,精力用盡,相對兩瞪眼,戀愛的感覺早拋到九霄雲外。能維持多久? 就看兩個人的智慧了。
身體感官可能會成為結婚前的一個指引,大腦失去了作用;可是結婚以後呢? 當愛情轉變成為親情的時候,該怎麼維繫之間後半輩子的婚姻生活?
談戀愛的時候,可以沒日沒夜的談天說愛,大把大把鈔票花在約會看電影出國遊玩,精力旺盛的情侶,總是花很多時間在對方身上,即是上班很忙,下班很累;結了婚的時候,沒日沒夜的斤斤計較,開銷、花費全部以房子、車子、孩子為目的,精力用盡,相對兩瞪眼,戀愛的感覺早拋到九霄雲外。能維持多久? 就看兩個人的智慧了。
Painful memories in Tube Station, during the World War II Britain's worst civilian disaster
3rd March 1943 BBCnews
A survivor recalled, "I was trapped by hundreds of people wedged up to the tube. I went to move but couldn't because they were falling around me."
It was terrible, people just piled up and eventually, the bodies were blocking the entrance. People were startled after hearing a rocket being launched in few hundred yards away. We were panic, screaming and crying. When we came up, there were children missing and whole family was gone.
First wage of the part-time job
₤119.23, poor but very worthy.
I can have chance to practise English for free.
I can have chance to practise English for free.
After all, it's the only one I got.
Nobody's perfect.
Love your body. Be yourself.
100% Natural. Naked with me.
MySpace Dawn Porter bares all in order to reveal how our idea of perfection has been perverted to fit the demands of the beauty industry, meeting naturists and a stripper along the way. BBC3
女人愛自己,讓自己變的更美,例如去拍沙龍照,去做身體美容,去海邊作日光浴,成為裸體模特兒,進入天體營(不穿衣服的社區活動);在走訪很多觀點之後,她的結論很有趣,她說: 照片裡的女人身體原來都經過了專家修剪而成的,那些模特兒的照片都是些沒有人可以到達的境界,為什麼不愛我們自己的身體原來的樣子? 接受這個天生不美好缺陷的身體,因為這才是最自然的,所以不要衣服遮蔽,要呈現自然的自己。你說呢? 可惜這個節目只能在英國境內收看,我到很贊成這個說法,但是我無法在大庭廣眾下赤裸,需要很大的勇氣!
Nobody's perfect.
Love your body. Be yourself.
100% Natural. Naked with me.
MySpace Dawn Porter bares all in order to reveal how our idea of perfection has been perverted to fit the demands of the beauty industry, meeting naturists and a stripper along the way. BBC3
女人愛自己,讓自己變的更美,例如去拍沙龍照,去做身體美容,去海邊作日光浴,成為裸體模特兒,進入天體營(不穿衣服的社區活動);在走訪很多觀點之後,她的結論很有趣,她說: 照片裡的女人身體原來都經過了專家修剪而成的,那些模特兒的照片都是些沒有人可以到達的境界,為什麼不愛我們自己的身體原來的樣子? 接受這個天生不美好缺陷的身體,因為這才是最自然的,所以不要衣服遮蔽,要呈現自然的自己。你說呢? 可惜這個節目只能在英國境內收看,我到很贊成這個說法,但是我無法在大庭廣眾下赤裸,需要很大的勇氣!
黃橙橙的路燈,矗立在Sketty Road
蔓延開來的綿延 寂寞 或許只有樹枝上的鳥兒聽的見
我家在Ty Beck House, Sketty Road
蔓延開來的綿延 寂寞 或許只有樹枝上的鳥兒聽的見
我家在Ty Beck House, Sketty Road
今天下班廚師請吃beef yakitori,喝了一瓶啤酒(Hite)慶祝,超讚的!
今天下班廚師請吃beef yakitori,喝了一瓶啤酒(Hite)慶祝,超讚的!
It is part of my life
It is exhausted to have both full time study and job. It's been long time I have not felt so tired the third day I worked in the SishiSarang I found it. If I have enough money, I don't need to be so tired here. But.....=((
Anyway, that is the best memory I have so far. I learn Bar tending and have lots of opportunities speaking to native speaker and it's free and they have to talk to me as well. Usually, it's difficult to find a native speaker who wants to practise with you for long time and some purposes (usually only for greetings). So, when I have time I try to speak to Peter or Phillip since I worked in the SishiSarang. They are so kind and very very friendly. They want to make it is warm to stay in the restaurant and they made it. To be a staff working in the restaurant, I do hope few custmers come to have a meal, haha. Then I can have time to learn not only working staff but also to practice English.
The other things happened early morning, I chatted with two Taiwanese friends who want to study in the UK. We discussed about where should I study English? Some said that stay in the UK, providing good environment with native speakers, may improve your English; some said that you should stay in your country untill you got IELTS 6 or above, because you have more confidence to study in your own country. In my opion, I prefer the later one which you can learn English in the cheapest way and more confidence and more resources for you to choice. In my case, I have to do more efforts and money here is far more expensive. On the other hand, I would say it is another experience in my life. Whatever you choose, you should stick to your goal but enjoy the process!!
Anyway, that is the best memory I have so far. I learn Bar tending and have lots of opportunities speaking to native speaker and it's free and they have to talk to me as well. Usually, it's difficult to find a native speaker who wants to practise with you for long time and some purposes (usually only for greetings). So, when I have time I try to speak to Peter or Phillip since I worked in the SishiSarang. They are so kind and very very friendly. They want to make it is warm to stay in the restaurant and they made it. To be a staff working in the restaurant, I do hope few custmers come to have a meal, haha. Then I can have time to learn not only working staff but also to practice English.
The other things happened early morning, I chatted with two Taiwanese friends who want to study in the UK. We discussed about where should I study English? Some said that stay in the UK, providing good environment with native speakers, may improve your English; some said that you should stay in your country untill you got IELTS 6 or above, because you have more confidence to study in your own country. In my opion, I prefer the later one which you can learn English in the cheapest way and more confidence and more resources for you to choice. In my case, I have to do more efforts and money here is far more expensive. On the other hand, I would say it is another experience in my life. Whatever you choose, you should stick to your goal but enjoy the process!!
Drinks training
That was fantastic! Brilliant!
I can make expresso, Latte, capuchino, mocachino and hot chocolate. That is not too difficult but practice!
Philip taught me how to clean the coffee machine and making coffee.
I made my first Latte for customers and I saw them finished it. When they said " it's good coffee", I felt confident. I think I have more interest on the bar tending then the sushi bar. Anyway, I get used to this job.
I can make expresso, Latte, capuchino, mocachino and hot chocolate. That is not too difficult but practice!
Philip taught me how to clean the coffee machine and making coffee.
I made my first Latte for customers and I saw them finished it. When they said " it's good coffee", I felt confident. I think I have more interest on the bar tending then the sushi bar. Anyway, I get used to this job.
It's been 7months staying Swansea. I spent time seeking a part-time job, since the end of last year, but the only answer is "sorry, we don't have vacany at the moment, you could leave a message....." I have tried coffee shops, British style restaurant, Chinese style restaurants and Japanese restaurant which all nearby city centre could save time and money on travel. I know there're other kinds of job can I apply for example, temporary job centre or poundland to be a counter.
This job position is a waitress in the Sushi bar of the SushiSarang near Crown Court 15minutes walking. It's a new restaurant on the St. Helen's Road. I'll adventure a new life. Chin up!
Ps. as a full time job, 4 days a week, 5.52GBP/hour, temporay pay in cash monthly, but weekly tips shared
This job position is a waitress in the Sushi bar of the SushiSarang near Crown Court 15minutes walking. It's a new restaurant on the St. Helen's Road. I'll adventure a new life. Chin up!
Ps. as a full time job, 4 days a week, 5.52GBP/hour, temporay pay in cash monthly, but weekly tips shared
風起 吹起你的髮梢 將你的思緒吹的遠遠的
也吹走了 那些擾人的思緒
我定定的看著你 陪著你
風起 吹起你的髮梢 將你的思緒吹的遠遠的
也吹走了 那些擾人的思緒
我定定的看著你 陪著你
Sushi a la Carte
I found a useful website free for introducing Japan sushi bar and general guide to sushi and complete sushi eating experience but making sushi. I knew lots of menu here.
I got a part-time job
Sushi Sarag Restaurant
^^y I got a part-time job, perhaps I can work on this Wednesday.
I have to appreciate for Ayaki's efforts. Ayaki asked her boss, Joy, and she do need a full day stuff. I had an interview in this restaurant and tell her that I can work full day except one only week couses so they accept me. We celebrated in our new house in Brynmill. Gendar and Emma's family came, Mistugu and Marcelo came as well. We ate a lot made by Ayaki and Emma they are wonderful women in this world. I wish all the best in the near future, I can stay here longer, enjoy working and finish dissertation on time. And you too, Sherry.
Katie Melua - If You Were A Sailboat
If you were a cowboy I would trail you,
If you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor.
If you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
If you were a river I would swim you,
If you were a house I would live in you all my days.
If you were a preacher I'd begin to change my ways.
If you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor.
If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
If you were a cowboy I would trail you,
If you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor.
If you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
If you were a river I would swim you,
If you were a house I would live in you all my days.
If you were a preacher I'd begin to change my ways.
Sometimes I believe in fate,
But the chances we create,
Always seem to ring more true.
You took a chance on loving me,
I took a chance on loving you.
If I was in jail I know you'd spring me,
If I was a telephone you'd ring me all day long.
If I was in pain I know you'd sing me soothing songs.
Sometimes I believe in fate,
But the chances we create,
Always seem to ring more true.
You took a chance on loving me,
I took a chance on loving you.
If I was hungry you would feed me,
If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light.
If I was a book I know you'd read me every night.
If you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor.
If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
有的時候用不同的方法去處理,會有不一樣的收穫。 ...
I do have some problems in the real live. It is not emergency but happening gradually. I hope that I have wisdom to organise it in the future indeed.
有的時候用不同的方法去處理,會有不一樣的收穫。 ...
I do have some problems in the real live. It is not emergency but happening gradually. I hope that I have wisdom to organise it in the future indeed.
英國的氣象報告說,這幾天的氣溫2-10 ℃,艷陽高照。跟台北一樣的氣溫,但是台北卻又濕又冷
頓時三條線(+///+),頭上一隻烏鴉飛過,心中一句問號想說: 烏鴉會不會覺得很自卑ㄚ? 平平是鳥兒,他們的聲音怎麼這麼不悅耳? 那種跟別人不同的感覺,我也有,走在英國的街頭,留連在兒童遊樂區的時候,總是覺得自己很突兀,倒不像唱反調,卻像是不合諧的音階,在五線譜上。我想我懂烏鴉的心情了,他們展現的是一種自己的,獨有的,不一樣的聲音,無關乎別鳥(人)怎麼看待。有句話說,我思故我在,我想烏鴉只是用另一種的方法傳達這個意境吧!
頓時三條線(+///+),頭上一隻烏鴉飛過,心中一句問號想說: 烏鴉會不會覺得很自卑ㄚ? 平平是鳥兒,他們的聲音怎麼這麼不悅耳? 那種跟別人不同的感覺,我也有,走在英國的街頭,留連在兒童遊樂區的時候,總是覺得自己很突兀,倒不像唱反調,卻像是不合諧的音階,在五線譜上。我想我懂烏鴉的心情了,他們展現的是一種自己的,獨有的,不一樣的聲音,無關乎別鳥(人)怎麼看待。有句話說,我思故我在,我想烏鴉只是用另一種的方法傳達這個意境吧!
今天去問了搬家的事情,H很熱心的跟我解釋,還好後來A來聽到了,原來當初A是G的replacement,可是因為她反悔才會有G成功搬出去的機會,原則是沒有變的,我還是要等到有R才可以。我也很遺憾不能搬出去,畢竟一起找的,我也跟著一起整理佈置了一番;當然我會很想要搬出去還有這兒的環境,我也不想再住了,沒有暖氣(故障請修中),所以沒有熱水,兩個奈人好像吵架還是有爭執什麼的,有時說話說到很晚或是吵鬧或是大哭,沒有人洗餐具(本來都是奈女煮奈男洗),成山的餐具累積在廚房的一角,油膩膩還發出味道了。在聽完H的解釋後我們步出辦公室之後,他就開始一直罵Fuck,我不耐煩的說你是在罵我嗎? 若不是就去對你想罵的人罵,不要對著我罵ㄚ? 當初就已經鄭重討論過會有這種情形,一定要三思在簽下合約,振振有詞的說錢不是問題,不會怪我,可是現在果真不出所料,而且是因為她就是那個replacement,現在說什麼都沒有用,只有等 等 等。當初的我也太心急,跟著他一起找房子,也沒有先問過H這種情形。結果想搬找不到房子,找到房子卻搬不成了,真是一波三折阿
Katie擺脫了罪惡感對於愛人也是病人的關係,從新獲得病人兒子Sam的愛,因為她的真心跟愛。她的角色,充滿智慧(醫生的角色協助病人),尊重人性(跟Siobhon強調不要她以後後悔 因為她墮胎 殘害掉一個生命 也是她身上的一塊肉),吸引力(跟Sam在一起時的快樂投入的性的關係跟愛情),總是關心好朋友,體貼等等等的特色。劇中的Katie,跟了他兩年了,但還是活生生的活在會被朋友說"Stop it!"的位子,她寧可兩人開開心心的,也沒有讓好朋友知道而要她去分手,可是,畢竟每個人的際遇不同,她堅持作對的事情,不傷害,愛朋友多於自己,也是心得。
Katie擺脫了罪惡感對於愛人也是病人的關係,從新獲得病人兒子Sam的愛,因為她的真心跟愛。她的角色,充滿智慧(醫生的角色協助病人),尊重人性(跟Siobhon強調不要她以後後悔 因為她墮胎 殘害掉一個生命 也是她身上的一塊肉),吸引力(跟Sam在一起時的快樂投入的性的關係跟愛情),總是關心好朋友,體貼等等等的特色。劇中的Katie,跟了他兩年了,但還是活生生的活在會被朋友說"Stop it!"的位子,她寧可兩人開開心心的,也沒有讓好朋友知道而要她去分手,可是,畢竟每個人的際遇不同,她堅持作對的事情,不傷害,愛朋友多於自己,也是心得。
BBC ONE Mistresses
Sarah Parish, Orla Brady, Sharon Small and Shelley Conn – four of the UK's leading actresses – star in Mistresses, BBC One's modern drama series.
Mistresses is a refreshingly sexy, sophisticated and modern take on the lives of four women and their involvement in an array of illicit and complex relationships.
Sarah Parish, Orla Brady, Sharon Small and Shelley Conn – four of the UK's leading actresses – star in Mistresses, BBC One's modern drama series.
Mistresses is a refreshingly sexy, sophisticated and modern take on the lives of four women and their involvement in an array of illicit and complex relationships.
The one you're loving deeply
20 X 20 INS.
Medium: Oil on canvas
Catalogue No: SP473
I deeply love this work which I found in The Contemporary Fine Art Gallery Eton when I visited Eton yesterday. When I came back, I tried to find the detail about this art. Its name of the art extremely attracted me more than the work. I found myself can't help to look at it again and again.THE BEGINNING
20 X 24 INS.
Medium: Oil on canvas
Catalogue No: SP499
20 X 20 INS.
Medium: Oil on canvas
Catalogue No: SP473
I deeply love this work which I found in The Contemporary Fine Art Gallery Eton when I visited Eton yesterday. When I came back, I tried to find the detail about this art. Its name of the art extremely attracted me more than the work. I found myself can't help to look at it again and again.THE BEGINNING
20 X 24 INS.
Medium: Oil on canvas
Catalogue No: SP499
Colds and Flu--
It's that time of year again, just when we want to be well to enjoy the festive season/do the Christmas shopping or going on a well deserved holiday many of us are going down with“colds and flu”.
Colds and flu can occur all year round, but seem to be most common in the winter months. No-one is quite sure why, but it may be because many people spend more time indoors, with closer contact between other people and getting less fresh air.
Have I got a cold or the flu?
Although the flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses, they are caused by different viruses. (This explains why that, although you have had your Flu vaccination, you have still developed a cold.) Because they have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell them apart. But generally cold symptoms are much milder than flu.
Common cold symptoms:
Sore throat
Stuffy nose
Runny nose
Mild fever
Flu symptoms
Having the flu is more severe than when you have a cold, and symptoms often develop more quickly.
Symptoms include:
A fever that comes on quickly
Severe aches and pains
Having difficulty sleeping
Home care
If you are a fit and healthy person, a cold or flu is unlikely to be serious, or cause you any complications. It will disappear without treatment, but there are plenty of “over the counter” medicines you can use to help relieve your symptoms.
If you are considering taking “over the counter” medicines, it is important to check with your pharmacist (chemist) that they will not interact with other medicines you are currently taking.
In particular, always check the packaging and enclosed patient information leaflet to make sure you don't take more that the recommended dose. If you are unsure, always ask your pharmacist or call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 for advice.
Self Help
Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, such as water or fruit juice. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking medicines containing paracetamol.
Take regular paracetamol to relieve any pain or reduce fever. Aspirin and Ibuprofen can also be used but are more likely to cause stomach upset and should be avoided if you have asthma.
Honey and hot lemon can help relieve sore throats.
Usually it's only necessary to see your GP if:
You have a cough that lasts more than 3 weeks
You begin to experience a shortness of breath
You develop chest pains or you already have a chest condition.
If you have a long tern medical condition
How to reduce your risk
Wash your hand regularly – the tiny droplets sneezed or coughed out by someone with a cold or flu can be passed on through hands and other surfaces.
Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth, as the infection can spread particularly easily through these areas.
Dispose of any used tissues immediately – never leave dirty handkerchiefs lying around.
Cover your moth when you sneeze of cough if you have the virus.
Avoid close contact with anyone who has cold or flu symptoms.
Hope the information has helped.
Colds and flu can occur all year round, but seem to be most common in the winter months. No-one is quite sure why, but it may be because many people spend more time indoors, with closer contact between other people and getting less fresh air.
Have I got a cold or the flu?
Although the flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses, they are caused by different viruses. (This explains why that, although you have had your Flu vaccination, you have still developed a cold.) Because they have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell them apart. But generally cold symptoms are much milder than flu.
Common cold symptoms:
Sore throat
Stuffy nose
Runny nose
Mild fever
Flu symptoms
Having the flu is more severe than when you have a cold, and symptoms often develop more quickly.
Symptoms include:
A fever that comes on quickly
Severe aches and pains
Having difficulty sleeping
Home care
If you are a fit and healthy person, a cold or flu is unlikely to be serious, or cause you any complications. It will disappear without treatment, but there are plenty of “over the counter” medicines you can use to help relieve your symptoms.
If you are considering taking “over the counter” medicines, it is important to check with your pharmacist (chemist) that they will not interact with other medicines you are currently taking.
In particular, always check the packaging and enclosed patient information leaflet to make sure you don't take more that the recommended dose. If you are unsure, always ask your pharmacist or call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 for advice.
Self Help
Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, such as water or fruit juice. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking medicines containing paracetamol.
Take regular paracetamol to relieve any pain or reduce fever. Aspirin and Ibuprofen can also be used but are more likely to cause stomach upset and should be avoided if you have asthma.
Honey and hot lemon can help relieve sore throats.
Usually it's only necessary to see your GP if:
You have a cough that lasts more than 3 weeks
You begin to experience a shortness of breath
You develop chest pains or you already have a chest condition.
If you have a long tern medical condition
How to reduce your risk
Wash your hand regularly – the tiny droplets sneezed or coughed out by someone with a cold or flu can be passed on through hands and other surfaces.
Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth, as the infection can spread particularly easily through these areas.
Dispose of any used tissues immediately – never leave dirty handkerchiefs lying around.
Cover your moth when you sneeze of cough if you have the virus.
Avoid close contact with anyone who has cold or flu symptoms.
Hope the information has helped.
Windsor Castle
What there is to see
Windsor Castle, the largest and oldest occupied castle in the world, is one of the official residences of Her Majesty The Queen. The Castle's dramatic site encapsulates 900 years of British history. It covers an area of 26 acres and contains, as well as a royal palace, a magnificent chapel and the homes and workplaces of a large number of people.
The magnificent State Apartments are furnished with some of the finest works of art from the Royal Collection, including paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens, Canaletto, Gainsborough and the famous triple portrait of Charles I by Sir Anthony van Dyck.
In 1992 fire destroyed or damaged more than 100 rooms at the Castle. By good fortune the rooms worst affected were empty at the time, and as a result, few of the Castle's artistic treasures were destroyed. The highly acclaimed restoration work, completed in 1997, is a testament to the extraordinary skills of some of the finest craftsmen in Europe.
From October to March visitors can also enjoy George IV's private apartments (the Semi-State Rooms), among the most richly decorated interiors in the Castle.
St George's Chapel is one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in England. It is the spiritual home of the Order of the Garter, the senior order of British Chivalry established in 1348 by Edward III. Within the chapel are the tombs of ten sovereigns, including Henry VIII and his third wife Jane Seymour, and Charles I.
Among the highlights of a visit to Windsor is Queen Mary's Dolls' House, the most famous dolls' house in the world.
Windsor Castle is an official residence of The Queen and the largest occupied castle in the world. A Royal home and fortress for over 900 years, the Castle remains a working palace today. Visitors can walk around the State Apartments, extensive suites of rooms at the heart of the working palace. For part of the year visitors can also see the Semi State rooms, which are some of the most splendid interiors in the castle. They are furnished with treasures from the Royal Collection including paintings by Holbein, Rubens, Van Dyck and Lawrence, fine tapestries and porcelain, sculpture and armour.
Within the Castle complex there are many additional attractions, including the Drawings Gallery, Queen Mary's dolls' house, and the fourteenth-century St. George's Chapel, the burial place of ten sovereigns and setting for many Royal weddings.
Current exhibition:
Until 11 May 2008
Marking the Diamond Wedding Anniversary of Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the exhibition tells the story of five royal weddings through photographs, documents from the Royal Archives, rare memorabilia and charming personal gifts exchanged by members of the Royal Family.
The Royal Collection--Windsor Castle: e-Gallery
Royal collection
I don't know why, I just fancy this bangle for its style, the V&M was lettered on the two sides.
I don't know why, I just fancy this bangle for its style, the V&M was lettered on the two sides.
6th Feb. 2008 Chinese New Year's Eve in Britain
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Chinese New Year in Britain
Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It consists of a period of celebrations, starting on New Year's Day, and ending with the Lantern Festival, the fifteenth day of the month.
Origins in Chisese New Year
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My favourite hornist
Current track: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Horn Concerto No.4 In Eb Major (1) Welcome to Stefan Dohr 's home page
Storms battering parts of Britain
The Forth Bridge was closed for a time by the bad weatherHigh winds have been battering large parts of Britain, claiming at least one life, as forecasters warn of blizzards and snow showers to come. BBCnews
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